
360° Alta Val Venosta: Tubre i.V.M./Taufers i.M. - Slingia/Schlinig

General description

The eighth stage is the most demanding tour of the circular hiking trail 360° Upper Vinschgau Valley. The Tellajoch surprises with a typical 360° panoramic view to the mountain peaks of the Ortler group and the Sesvenna group. The 360° viewing platform titles the mountainous panorama.
From there it continues with insights into the Upper Vinschgau Valleys alpine pasture to Schlinig/ Slingia.

Route description

The eighth stage is the most demanding tour of the 360° Obervinschgau. The tour starts in the village of Taufers, leads past the ruins of Reichenberg Castle and Rotund Castle up to the Egghof farm.
From there you reach the Tella Alm in about 1 hour on a gravel path, then continue on a trail to the Tellajoch. Here the 360° viewing platform offers a panoramic view and titled the surrounding mountain panorama. Continue downhill to the Laatscher and Schleiser Alm and then, west of the mountain Monterodes on the yoke, there the peaks can be explored through telescopes. Thereupon it goes downhill over the Kälberberg to the village of

Refreshment stops: :
- Egghof
- Laatscher Alm
- Restaurants and bars in Schlinig

Description to arrive at destination
Bus to Taufers: Nr. 811
Wandertaxi to Taufers
Bus from Schlinig: Nr. 277
Duur 7:30 h
Lengte 17,4 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Hoogtemeters bergop 1417 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 947 hm
Hoogtemeter 2358 m
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