
360° Alta Val Venosta: Planol/Planeil - Mazia/Matsch

General description

The third stage of the circular hiking trail 360° Upper Vinschgau Valley trumps with unique views from the giant swing.

Route description

The third and more demanding stage of the 360° Obervinschgau circular hiking trail starts in Planeil and leads along the Vinschger Höhenweg to Matsch. The trail first runs through dense forests and past the giant toboggan before a dreamlike backdrop opens up at the Malettes high plateau to the entire Upper Vinschgau. Soon the popular 4-meter high giant swing is visible and next to it a viewing platform with engraved names of the surrounding mountain peaks. An unforgettable view and as a highlight a gigantic view of the Ortler group, with the 3 peaks Ortler, Zebru and Königsspitze. After this mountain cinema, the route continues flat along the old military road, via the hamlet of Muntetschinig to the first mountaineering village in South Tyrol, Matsch.

Refreshment stops:
- Rainalterhof
- Restaurants and bars in Matsch

Description to arrive at destination
Bus to Planeil: Nr. 280
Citybus from Matsch: Nr. 278
Duur 5:30 h
Lengte 14,8 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Hoogtemeters bergop 671 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 684 hm
Hoogtemeter 1865 m
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